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May 14, 2024

202kph cyclist #77

Evandro Portela and his bicycle are Joining the CMR team on the salt in Bolivia 2023

In November 2017 in Curitiba – Parana – Brazil, the cyclist Evandro Portela reached 202km/h – 125mp/h on urban roads and became the fastest man in the world on a bicycle using a Slipstream of a Subaru WRX category. He has accomplished the record of 11km of distance with 104km/h average in 6 mins 2secs, and 151rpm of maximum cadence. It had been five years of training and preparation for a new world record in 2023 on the Uyuni Salt Fats of Bolivia.

Watch his video below to see the power and strain of maintaining the speed to keep within the slipstream