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May 14, 2024

Gearing up #113

Kiwi Steve and Chris Weismann in USA proudly display the superb craftsmanship of the Wairua 2 12-speed gearbox, before carefully packing and transporting it off to New Zealand. There are few in the world who have the skill or technology to create such specialized parts as those at Weismanns.

Reg looking tickled pink while taking receipt of his 12 speed gearbox at the workshop in NZ

A beaming team seeing the long awaited gearbox x 2 in the workshop

Kevin, down and dirty fitting the Weismann 12 speed gearbox into the framework of Wairua 2

A very happy team of Pam , Mark and Reg holding the brackets for the newly fitted 12 speed gearbox

Happy lads with thumbs up is a good indication that the 12 speed gearbox has fitted within the tight tolerances of the Wairua 2 framework, such is the skill of these blokes