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May 14, 2024

Dyno – mite #114

With the major pieces from around the world now in the workshop for Wairua 2, the construction of the greater mechanical parts can be made and a connection to the Dyno machine to test torque and rotational speed. This testing will reveal the amount of power output of the engine to confirm the effectiveness of the years of design and graft the team have put in to achieve their goal of 880khr

All 4 cars bound for Bolivia will be Dyno tested as they will not be speed tested on terra firma in NZ , It does not take rocket science to imagine the accuracy necessary of this testing for the CMR team to have confidence in going to the otherside of the world to achieve the record goals they have set for the cars.

Of course many of the parts of the 4 cars have been purpose designed and built for this challenge. All facets of the designs and functions will be critically tested to perform to specification