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May 14, 2024

Hold it #139

For the CMR team it has been more than 3 years of working through enormous challenges that have affected all aspects of design, build, and testing of Wairua 2, Wairua 1, Cookie, and Issigonis. They continue to work to the limit to realise the goal of claiming 4 world records racing on the Salt Lakes of Uyuni Bolivia.

CMR has successfully completed many Land Speed Racing events at Bonneville, but could never have predicted a microscopic virus would hold the 2023 project and the world to ransom. International supply chains and resources have been crippled and the movement of people hampered, preventing previous norms from being a reality.

The challenges facing CMR have not ended, but a pale light at the end of the tunnel can be seen. With some critical parts still to arrive and a receding deadline to meet the boat, the team has redoubled their efforts, working to mostly impossible deadlines, to keep this 2023 goal alive.

A big thanks to all the people and companies who have gone above and beyond to help make this journey possible.