
Dec22 Kevin Welding Icetank

Ice Welding #83

Dec 22- Kevin is seen here on his safety selected stool to get the angle of the dangle of his welding tool to complete
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Dec22 Cookie Roger 2

Progress #81

Dec 22 - Xmas almost here with more parts and people arriving, bringing the Bolivia frenzy feel a little closer.
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Reg In Hat Profile Pic

Ratbag Reg #80

Dec 22 - View a recent TV3 video. In Reg's own words, "this timeless ratbag is living the life he knows he has to".
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Mini Issigonis 2

Mini bites #78

Dec 22 - For one of those crazy petrol heads crazy enough to start building a racing Mini, here are some of Issigonis's
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Workshop Nov22 Reg Valves Intakes

V8 Parts #74

Nov 22 - Air intake valves for installation into Wairua 2 engine, and the block is on the bench for inspection
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