Thanks to an AMAZING CMR Team & supporters that have helped us to get to Brink of being able 2 chase the near impossible goal of 880 Kph / 550 Mph at Bolivia
This email is a reminder that CMR is not all about work there has been an AMAZING Number of Camaraderie building moments over the years
Team PISS taking in 2023 reached new funny highs especially while Mike Fountain from Florida was at CMR Mid-Year
Now it is time to enjoy the festive season
Watch Video Below as living proof of CMR Knows how 2 have Fun.
Some Videos of many legendary INFAMOUS CMR Xmas parties. Below was 2017.
Below was my road car B 4 & after burn out
Once again. Very Exciting News of progress being made in many area’s coming soon
Yes I am a BIG KID at Heart