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May 14, 2024

Nelson Rally – May 2008

The Nelson Rally is one of the most enjoyable in the NZ Rally championship.

 Saturday is reece and scrutineering in the morning. In the afternoon it’s down to the WOW complex for us and the public for a relaxing 4 hours. Early evening was final preparation for Sunday’s blast.

Sunday was an early start. Our main objective was to finish especially after our 2 DNF in the previous rallies. With nearly 200 kms of special stages this is the longest day in the NZ championship.

After the first 4 stages were 34 kms each on super fast challenging forest roads. An absolute adrenalin blast. We were very pleased to be  3rd in class ahead of the championship leader Aaron Cook.

We had 3 major services during the rally. As usual these were hectic 20 minutes of cutting and changing of  tyres  checking everything and other repairs as usual which included repairs to extractors alternator etc etc.

Our crew Peter Mark Roger and Matt as usual did a fantastic job of coping with me and all the problems we threw at them. Well done team.

Of the 9 stages it was very pleasing to WIN the last stage and come 2nd on 2 stages and 3rd on 3 stages.


1   It has been a very interesting and challenging year for our 1st year in our new Nissan MICRA which sounds absolutely fantastic on forestry roads.

2   Loosing Louise as a co driver was difficult. But CG has gone from crew member to our new co driver has applied himself well and is improving all the time.

3         Its been great having Mark Bradley  back with us for every rally.


5          Our rally crew of Peter Mark Roger Geoff Dean Matt and other helpers have performed many miracles for which we can all be proud.

6         We have won a few stages this year and with all that we have learnt about our MICRA this year we should be a lot closer to the opposition next year.

7         Our regular  Saturday working Bees with  CG  Mark  Dean  Roger  Peter  Alan  Rosco  Howard  Peter  Matt  and many others has been working very well for us. Special thanks to Sarah for our Saturday Muffins.

8         Bring on 2009.

9             THANKS  EVERYONE   REGGIE.

PS. I learnt something new at Nelson. After the prize giving CG and Matt went to the after prize giving bar and got home at 4.30 am. On the way to the airport on Monday morning I was told that being out late is part of essential net working. YEH  RIGHT ??????.