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July 11, 2024

Something Different #172

Something different. For those that like looking at pictures rather than reading. Welcome to newby  Simon Dawson took these pictures of recent  Working Bee.

They say pictures tell a thousand words. Simon has many other Qualities as well. Love this MATARIKI long Weekend as CMR Team still making amazing progress.

Can actually C a GLIMMER of light at the End of the TUNNELL

Working Bee 10 June Kevin Master Fabricator
Working Bee 10 June Reg Playing Crushing Coke Cans ^0 Loading
Working Bee 10 June Dean Cookie Roll Cage Fabricating Cahnges
Working Bee 10 Trev Electrical Brainstorming Wairua 2
Working Bee 10 June Brian Whisjkas 998 Min No 3
Working Bee 10 June Colin ^0 John Wairua 2. Jpg
Working Bee 10 June Pam Jill Cookie Insulation Blanket
Working Bee 10 June W 2 Wings Working
Working Bee 10 June John
Working Bee 10 June Colin Brain Storming Various Wairua 2. Jpg