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July 11, 2024

Thank U Matariki Day #171

More CMR Driving Passion to chase 550 MPH

Thank U MATARIKI Day to allow CMR Team 2 plan & work together on our dreams & Passions. MARARIKI / CMR Version / BRAIN STORMING / Planning / Chasing Dreams. Noses to the Grind Stone. Amazing progress of a TALENTED LOYAL PASSIONATE  CMR Team

Today. Brian ( Whiskas ) / Bruce / Damon / Dean / Gary / Helen / Jill / John /  KB / Kevin / Mark ( CG ) / Pam / Piers / Trev / & The Geriatric

CMR TEAM still going strong & Completing many Miracles after 55 Years.

Packing has started.

Still waiting 4 parts from USA.

Still need help in many others to get the Job done.

Cookie Insulation Cover

Cookie insulation cover.

Pam Sowing Covers

Pam Sewing Covers.

Brian Whiska 1071 Billet

Brian Whiskas 1071 Billet.

Bruce Mark Happy

Bruce and Mark. Happy.

K B ^0 Electrical

KB Electrical.

Damon Finishing Hitchen Container

Damon finishing Kitchen Container.

Piers In Concentration

Piers in concentration.

Car Park Full B

Car Park Full.

Car Park Full

Car Park Full.

Car Park Full B 1

Car Park Full.