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July 23, 2024

The Horrible Truth #177

Some have already read this. Need Help.

Firstly. There is no Malice to Goodyear. This is the nature of the game

This is a long read which many R reading for the 1st time rather than have multiple conversations this is to let everyone know the Quandary Chasing 550 MPH has always been an Outrageous Goal that we want to try for & Survive.

We have brain stormed to the extreme with everyone with LSR experience. The biggest safety issue of accidents is the reliability of tyres. Simply the best & only tyres available to CMR R GOODYEAR LSR Specials which we would expect to have a safety margin to allow us to chase 550 Mph.

After many conversations with Our Tyre Guru Rex Svoboda from Montana. Rex advice is that we test all tyres to 50 Mph above our target ambitions. Piers Landonlane of CMR team has been going thru the process of testing the Ben of Mini Shifts Tyre testing converted  Van  / Rig

All has been going extremely well slowly progressing the speeds to get tyre growth data for matching up into pairs based on circumference. Un expectantly  & Sadly. Piers got the fright of his life when BOOM. 1st high speed test a tyre let go at approx. 536 MPH. This was not expected.

As expected & The tyre testing Rig is destroyed

Simple stark reality

After this SOBERING Experience. We cant run Wairua 2 to 550 Mph without first tyres to a minimum of 590 Mph CMR  Have only 14 tyres that R tested to 450 Mph. Tyre testing machine needs a major repair


We do not know if failure was best or worst tyre.


(   ) Rex from Montana has offered to test all wheels on his test Rig. This will lose a lot of Time

Best Option

(  ) Try To delay boat for 1 week 4 which I am trying 2 do

(  )  Find a way to Rebuild & repair test Van. ASAP

(  ) Get our Shaken Piers to continue his excellent efforts & retest all the wheels thru stage to 450 /  500 / 550 /  590 Mph

(  ) If they all get to  550 Mph we can chase 500 mph

(  ) If they get to 590 we can chase 550 Mph

Reality & time line

(  ) Need to get at least 12 tyres to 550 Mph to chase 500 Mph

(  ) Re access if there R anymore failures. Bearing in mind. The tyre tester would need a rebuild  if another tyre fails


Delay boat. CMR need the support of GOODYEAR & need 2 get tyre to Goodyear ASAP for their analysis

Get help to repair Van ASAP


This whole journey is going 2 make a DAM GOOD Drama filled MOVIE.

CMR MOTTONever Ever Give Up

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