All CMR Team & supporters can B Proud of the way they perform Miracles today as in the past.
Saturday Typical CMR Working Bee. Just Love the AMAZING Extreme W/Shop Banter that has always existed in CMR. The above people & many others have helped CMR 2 B VVVVV successful team in every discipline of N Z motorsport over the last 55 years. No other team has succeeded in so many different disciplines as CMR. CMR is the absolute master of BRAIN STORMING. Getting the best out of everyone including the many off the spectrum is why I am most proud of is KIWI CAN DO in that CMR has built all these so many other different cars since 1969.
The Panic is now every day
The ADVENTURE 2 Chase 880 Kph / 550 Mph Continues unabated
Still Need Help
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!
Pledge Me
Team Working Bee – 8 June 2024. Good.
Cookie Happy, Roger & Pete Finishing
Wairua 2, Colin & Don
Cookie. Roger & Pete Finishing.
Bruce Excited about Wairua 1 Data.
Mark. Thinking what planet is Bruce on.
Smoke and Fingers.
Wairua 2. John and Mark Sign Writing, Good.
Mini Issigonis, Fr John Cluttered – Nov 2023.
CMR Support Team 1973.
Wairua 2 Front Wings. Kevin, Colin, Bruce.