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May 14, 2024

Working Bee #153

Enjoyed Very Good impromptu Saturday Working Bee with John Provo, Pete Crone, Trev, Kevin, Mark Pogson. Pete & Trev making V Good progress sorting various issue’s towards Hub Dynoing Cookie.

CMR enjoyable Camorardie is rebuilding after disappointing low of Bolivia 2023 No Show.

Excited to pick up CMR Promotional Mini Van with another amazing new MOSELLE PAINT Finish. Almost seems a shame to make Mini Van into a working vehicle.  

Planning & work is continuing to chase 880 Kph / 550 Mph in Bolivia Aug / Sept 2024.

More good news coming.

Wairua 2 Kevin, Adrian and John
Trevor on Electrical
Pete, Dyno Cookie
Painted mini van in workshop, front right
Painted mini van in workshop, front left
Painted mini van in truck