June 14, 2024

Mark Ballantyne

Mark joined the CMR team in early 2000 to help Reg and long-time friend Tony Mattson
compete in the NZ rally championship. Tony was Reg’s co-driver. Mark spent 3 seasons co-
driving with Reg in the national rally championship. Mark was then involved with
the Targa car and F5000 car the CMR team campaigned. 
When CMR first tabled the intention of going to Bonneville in 2010, Mark was keen to be involved.
Mark assisted Reg and the team in the build of the Nissan NX Coupe (Cookie) for the first
Bonneville challenge in 2011. While not able to attend CMR’s very first land speed record in
Bonneville due to other commitments, it was great to see immediate success.
Since the first Bonneville record in 2011, Mark has become heavily involved in the building and
running of both the Nissan (Cookie) and the Wairua 1 streamliner, and now the new streamliner
Wairua 2. At Bonneville, Mark has spent his time coordinating the work on the cars and
managing the team. Mark has the all-important responsibility for the final safety checks before
Cookie leaves the start line for a record attempt. He also assists with the running of Wairua 1.
Mark joined the CMR in a full-time capacity in early 2022. He now works in the Ness Valley
workshop to help Reg coordinate and work with the team to complete the build of
Wairua 2, the 1959 Mini, and refresh both Wairua 1 & Nissan Cookie ahead of the
2023 trip to Bolivia.